Posts Tagged ‘Purcell-Regis’

Debra Purcell-Regis is a retired teacher who still takes an active role in the lives of young people throughout her community in New York. She is regularly involved in youth sports programs in the area because she believes in can do a lot to positively influence a young person’s life in the future. Here are some reasons that youth sports can help with child development.

Sports advocates togetherness. For parents, teachers, and other adult influences in a child’s life, there is a great deal of emphasis placed on not being selfish; participating in team sports will teach a child that being selfish actually hiders their ability to succeed. Team sports is all about working together with others in order to achieve a common goal, which is something that needs to be learned.

Sports also teach children to make and achieve goals. Goals are important to have in all stages of life, and as a child, it is important to understand that goals give us reasons to succeed or do something better than we have before. Sports are a good way to teach children the importance of goals, so that the bigger goals they make later in life don’t seem so daunting or out of reach.

Lastly, sports keep children active. It is important to lead an active lifestyle from an early age so that obesity and other issues aren’t problems in the future. If a child is active at an early age, it is much more likely that they will stay healthy and active well into the future.

Debra Purcell-Regis enjoys being involved in youth sports programs in her community.

Debra Purcell-Regis is a dedicated individual who cares deeply about the impact she has on the youth in her community. She served as a teacher throughout several districts in the state of New York, and she never had an issue at any school she taught at. She received her education at the New York University, and obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History. She used her degree to enter into a teaching career, teaching high school students in the subjects of History and Literature. She continues to support youth academic and sports programs in her community, and she volunteers at the community center as well.

Teaching can an intimidating task, especially for teachers just starting their careers, or moving to a different school or school district. Almost as if you were a new student, you have to meet the other teachers, learn the new rules of the school, familiarize yourself with the building, and get to know your students. Here are some useful tips for teachers who are transitioning into another school or district, or for new teachers in general.

Introduce yourself around to the rest of the faculty and staff. You need to become acquainted with the rest of your co-workers, as teachers are forced to coordinate regularly. Much like students, the teachers develop a relationship amongst each other, and you should integrate yourself into the group as quickly as possible. These relationships will help you as become familiar with the student body, and learn from the people who have been there longer than you.

It’s also important as a new teacher to learn the building. Although you may have an office, most teachers are forced to teach in different classrooms throughout the day, which means you have to be familiar with locations of the classrooms in your school. You may not have much time between dismissing your students from class, and then having to get to the next room; learn where the classrooms, hallways, and stairwells are so you can move around quickly.

Put time into your lesson plans. Teachers need to take the time to really work through their lesson plans, knowing exactly how much time each one will take. Some teachers make the mistake of underestimating the importance of lesson plans, and try to develop a lesson as class goes on, but this is a risky strategy to take. Figure out your lesson plans beforehand so that you aren’t worried about keeping the class focused and on task.

Debra Purcell-Regis has a great deal of experience teaching students, and taught high schoolers for several years. She believes in the power of a strong and well thought out lesson plan, and developing relationships with other teachers. She also made sure that she knew the building of each new school before the first day of class.