Archive for August, 2016

Debra Purcell-Regis is a retired teacher who taught in school across the state of New York. In her retirement, she has found a love for fantasy sports, and has been quite successful throughout her time participating online. Here are some useful tips for drafting a successful fantasy sports team.

No matter what fantasy sports team your picking, you need to have a firm understanding of the rules. This doesn’t just mean the rules of the sport you’re playing, but the rules of each individual league as well. Some fantasy sports leagues will have different point systems or rules based on what the players in the league prefer. Make sure you understand all the rules of the sport, and the league you’re participating in.

Don’t just draft the best players you can. You need to make your team diverse so that you have a full lineup of solid players, not just a few greats mixed with players that never do well when it comes to gam day. Look at new prospects coming into the league that are projected to do well, check the injury and reserve lists, and above all, do your research on veterans and rookies alike.

Don’t let your personal bias get in the way. Many new fantasy players make the mistake of drafting players from their home team, or players they like for reasons beyond skill. Don’t make this mistake when drafting your team; simply pick the best player for your team so that you can win games.
Debra Purcell-Regis enjoys being able to play fantasy sports, and helping other people draft successful teams as well.

Debra Purcell-Regis is a retired teacher who still takes an active role in the lives of young people throughout her community in New York. She is regularly involved in youth sports programs in the area because she believes in can do a lot to positively influence a young person’s life in the future. Here are some reasons that youth sports can help with child development.

Sports advocates togetherness. For parents, teachers, and other adult influences in a child’s life, there is a great deal of emphasis placed on not being selfish; participating in team sports will teach a child that being selfish actually hiders their ability to succeed. Team sports is all about working together with others in order to achieve a common goal, which is something that needs to be learned.

Sports also teach children to make and achieve goals. Goals are important to have in all stages of life, and as a child, it is important to understand that goals give us reasons to succeed or do something better than we have before. Sports are a good way to teach children the importance of goals, so that the bigger goals they make later in life don’t seem so daunting or out of reach.

Lastly, sports keep children active. It is important to lead an active lifestyle from an early age so that obesity and other issues aren’t problems in the future. If a child is active at an early age, it is much more likely that they will stay healthy and active well into the future.

Debra Purcell-Regis enjoys being involved in youth sports programs in her community.

Debra Purcell-Regis is a retired high school teacher who taught students history, literature, and some art history. She is committed to helping mold young peoples’ minds, and even though she retired from teaching, she still gets involved in academic and sports programs for the community. Here are some tips for students to keep in mind while listening or working in class.

Make sure you know how to take notes. This is an important lesson to learn no matter what your current academic level may be. Take notes that are legible and easy to understand, but also allow you to write down everything said by the teacher in class. Taking notes will help you retain the course material more easily, and it will do wonders while studying for a test or exam.

Engage in the classroom with your teacher or students. Students who are active in class, ask questions, and engage with their fellow students tend to do better when it comes to time for the exams. The more active you are in class, the better your odds will be that you’ll remember most of the material when it comes time to study. If you can explain your reasoning to the teacher or your peers, you’ll have a full grasp on the concepts.

Limit your potential for distractions. Don’t let yourself be distracted by modern technology in the classroom. Tablets and computers can be useful for taking notes, but your phones should be turned off or put away when it comes time for class.

Debra Purcell-Regis understands how important it is for students to retain material being taught in the classroom.